Sri Vidya Circle: Awakening Inner Wisdom

Sri Vidya Circle: Awakening Inner Wisdom

Join Sri Vidya Circle: A Journey to Your Inner Self

Welcome to Sri Vidya Circle, a unique spiritual community dedicated to exploring the profound wisdom of Sri Vidya through holistic daily practices. Rooted in Vedantic Advaita, our approach seamlessly integrates mantra chanting, mental worship, and selfless service, nurturing inner guidance and spiritual growth without the need for a formal Guru or Deeksha.

Why We're Radically Different

We believe in the power of the individual spirit and the inner Guru that resides within each of us. Unlike traditional branches of Sri Vidya that emphasize external Gurus and formal initiations (Deeksha), we focus on fostering self-reliance and personal spiritual discovery. Our radical approach empowers you to be your own guide, drawing from the ancient teachings of non-duality to realize your true self.

Weekly Schedule and Deity Connection


Mondays: 4 AM - 5 AM GMT

  • Practice: Gaṇapati Mantra Practice (Muladhara Chakra)
  • Benefits:
    • Removes Obstacles
    • Enhances Concentration
    • Invokes Prosperity

Why Gaṇapati?
We choose to connect with Gaṇapati, the remover of obstacles, to start our week by clearing the path ahead. Gaṇapati, also known as Ganesha, is revered for his wisdom and ability to provide clarity. By invoking Gaṇapati, practitioners find themselves overcoming both internal and external barriers, which can hinder personal and spiritual growth.

Areas of Transformation:
Engaging in Gaṇapati Mantra Practice helps individuals enhance their concentration and mental clarity. It sets a solid foundation for the week, invoking prosperity and success in various endeavors. The practice fosters a sense of stability and groundedness, essential for tackling challenges and achieving goals.

Passage from Lalita Sahasranama:
"Om Ganeshaya Namah" - Salutations to Gaṇapati, the remover of obstacles, who paves the way for success and prosperity in all endeavors.


Wednesdays: 1 PM - 2 PM GMT

  • Practice: Bālātripurasundarī Mantra Practice (Manipura Chakra)
  • Benefits:
    • Enhances Youthfulness
    • Increases Joy
    • Boosts Confidence

Why Bālātripurasundarī?
Bālātripurasundarī represents the youthful and dynamic aspect of the Divine Mother. She embodies the spirit of joy, enthusiasm, and unwavering confidence. By connecting with Bālātripurasundarī, practitioners tap into a source of inner joy and self-assuredness that is crucial for personal empowerment.

Areas of Transformation:
This practice rejuvenates the body and mind, enhancing a youthful outlook and vitality. It infuses life with joy, helping practitioners find happiness in everyday moments. Moreover, it boosts confidence, enabling individuals to tackle challenges with courage and optimism.

Passage from Lalita Sahasranama:
"Om Bala Leela Vinodini" - Salutations to Bālā, the playful and joyful form of the goddess, who delights in the exuberance of youth.

Lalitā Tripurasundarī

Thursdays: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM GMT

  • Practice: Lalitā Tripurasundarī Mantra Practice (Anahata Chakra)
  • Benefits:
    • Boosts Communication
    • Promotes Harmony
    • Deepens Intuition

Why Lalitā Tripurasundarī?
Lalitā Tripurasundarī, the supreme goddess of beauty, love, and compassion, is invoked to open and balance the heart chakra. Connecting with Lalitā Tripurasundarī helps practitioners cultivate unconditional love and emotional harmony. Her energy is essential for those seeking to deepen their emotional connections and experience profound inner peace.

Areas of Transformation:
Practicing Lalitā Tripurasundarī Mantra enriches the heart, promoting deeper emotional connections and enhancing the ability to give and receive love. It fosters a sense of inner harmony and balance, leading to healthier relationships and a compassionate outlook on life. Additionally, it deepens intuition and inner wisdom, guiding practitioners to live authentically from the heart.

Passage from Lalita Sahasranama:
"Om Tripura Sundariyai Namah" - Salutations to the Divine Mother Lalitā Tripurasundarī, the most beautiful and compassionate goddess, who opens the heart to divine love and wisdom.

Key Points

  • Inner Guru: Discover the ultimate teacher within yourself.
  • Seva: Engage in selfless service to uplift your community.
  • Free Participation: Open and accessible to all, with no financial barriers.
  • Holistic Practice: Integrate mantra chanting, meditation, puja, and self-inquiry.
  • Advaita Vedanta: Embrace the teachings of non-duality and universal oneness.
  • Intuitive Participation: Tune in and be guided by your intuition, choosing sessions and frequency of practice.
  • Collaborative Learning: We learn together from each other, embracing the philosophy that we are all teachers and students.

Note: Suitable for participants in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Iceland, Morocco, Senegal, Gambia, Western Sahara, Mauritania, and parts of Greenland.


Q: Do I need prior experience to join? A: No prior experience is required. Our community is open to everyone, regardless of their spiritual background or level of experience.

Q: Is there any cost involved? A: Participation is completely free. We believe in making spiritual growth accessible to all.

Q: How do I join the sessions? A: For more information and to join our daily practices, contact Solomon Phoenix.

Q: Do I need a Guru or Deeksha to benefit from these practices? A: No, our approach emphasizes self-discovery and the inner Guru. Formal initiation is not required.

Q: Can I join even if I am not in the specified regions? A: While our schedule is tailored for participants in certain regions, we welcome anyone who wishes to join and can align with the GMT timings.

Not Suitable For:

This community may not be suitable for those who:

  • Prefer traditional approaches with a formal Guru and Deeksha.
  • Seek structured, dogmatic teachings rather than a fluid, intuitive practice.
  • Require financial compensation or material incentives for participation.
  • Are uncomfortable with self-guided learning and inner exploration.

Questions for Enquirers to Ponder

To determine if this exploration would be worthwhile for you, consider the following questions:

  1. Am I open to exploring spiritual practices without the need for a formal Guru or initiation?
  2. Do I feel a calling to discover the inner teacher within myself?
  3. Am I willing to engage in selfless service (Seva) to benefit my community?
  4. Can I commit to regular practices such as mantra chanting, meditation, and self-inquiry?
  5. Do I resonate with the principles of Advaita Vedanta and the concept of non-duality?
  6. Am I comfortable with an intuitive and collaborative learning environment?
  7. Do I have the flexibility to participate in sessions based on GMT timings?

For more information and to join our daily practices, contact Solomon Phoenix.