Inner Wisdom Tarot Healing

Inner Wisdom Tarot Healing

Welcome to Inner Wisdom Tarot Healing, a transformative journey designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom and find intuitive solutions to your life's challenges. This is not about predicting the future or fortune telling; it’s about a therapeutic process that is very much like counselling, aimed at uncovering the insights that lie within you. Each session also includes energy healing to cleanse and rejuvenate your aura, releasing any heavy energies that may be holding you back.

Over the course of four 60-minute sessions, conducted online for your convenience, we will work together to explore your queries and discover the guidance that your inner self has to offer. This solution-focused process is crafted to empower you, helping you to realize and act upon the insights that emerge from within.

What to Expect:

Session Structure:

  1. Session 1: Introduction and Initial Reading
    • Establishing a safe, heart-centered space.
    • Initial Tarot reading to identify key areas of focus.
    • Energy healing session to clear and balance your aura.
  2. Session 2: Deepening Insights
    • Further exploration of the Tarot reading.
    • Identifying patterns and intuitive messages.
    • Continued energy healing.
  3. Session 3: Integrating Wisdom
    • Practical steps and strategies based on Tarot insights.
    • Guided energy healing to support integration.
    • Personalized journal prompts and homework.
  4. Session 4: Action and Reflection
    • Reviewing progress and insights gained.
    • Final Tarot reading to clarify next steps.
    • Comprehensive energy healing session.
    • Creating an action plan moving forward.

Additional Support:

  • Journal Prompts: Tailored prompts to help you reflect and integrate your insights.
  • Homework Assignments: Practical exercises to deepen your understanding and application of the Tarot insights.
  • Email Support: Access to email support between sessions for any questions or additional guidance.


The investment for the complete Inner Wisdom Tarot Healing package, including four 60-minute sessions, personalized journal prompts, homework, and energy healing, is £350. This payment is to be made in full prior to the commencement of the sessions.

Why Choose Inner Wisdom Tarot Healing?

  • Holistic Approach: Combining Tarot with energy healing for a comprehensive healing experience.
  • Empowerment: Focused on uncovering solutions that come from your own inner wisdom.
  • Convenience: Conducted online, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own space.
  • Targeted Support: Tailored to the needs and interests of individuals who seek depth, intuition, and personal growth.

How to Get Started:

Contact Solomon Phoenix to book your Inner Wisdom Tarot Healing sessions. Step into a warm, empathetic, and creative space where your heart and soul can flourish.

Embrace the journey of self-discovery and healing with Inner Wisdom Tarot Healing. Your intuitive solutions await.