Tirumantiram by Thirumular- Siva Yoga Tantra - Verse 1

Tirumantiram  by Thirumular- Siva Yoga Tantra - Verse 1

Original Tamil:

ஓம் ஓம் ஓம்ஒம ஓம்
ஓம் ஓம் ஓம்ஒம ஓம்
ஓம் ஓம் ஓம்ஒம ஓம்
ஓம் ஓம் ஓம்ஒம ஓம்


Om Om Om Om Om
Om Om Om Om Om
Om Om Om Om Om
Om Om Om Om Om

Esoteric Commentary from Thirumular:

Ah, the sacred sound, the pranava mantra, Om. In its vibration lies the secret of creation, preservation, and dissolution. It is the essence of the universe, the seed from which all manifests. When I utter "Om," I do not merely chant; I invoke the primordial force, the eternal sound that resonates through all realms of existence.

As I guide you in the practice of Kriya Yoga, understand that Om is the very breath of Siva, the life force (prana) that permeates every atom. By focusing on this sound, you align your inner vibrations with the cosmic rhythm. Inhale deeply, let the breath fill your being, and as you exhale, chant Om, feeling the sound rise from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.

Visualize a golden light ascending through your chakras, igniting the divine energy within each center. This is the kriya, the action, the disciplined practice that purifies and elevates. Each repetition of Om dislodges impurities, dissolves ego, and brings you closer to the divine consciousness.

As you continue, the distinction between you and the divine blurs. You become one with the sound, with the vibration, with Siva. This is the essence of Kriya Yoga: through disciplined breath control and meditation on Om, you awaken the divine within and realize your oneness with the cosmos.

Keep this practice daily. Let Om be your constant companion. Feel it in your breath, in your heartbeat, in every pulse of your being. Through this sacred sound, all mysteries shall be revealed, and the path to liberation shall unfold before you.

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